Tuesday, September 27, 2022

DÉ DÉ MOUSE & punipunidenki -- Midnight Dew


It was exactly a month ago that I put up the first KKP article for electronica artist DÉ DÉ MOUSE with his collaboration with Neo-City Pop singer Hitomitoi(一十三十一), "Neon Light no Yoru" (Neon Lightの夜). The result didn't strike me as being City Pop in either the 1980s or 2000s way but "Neon Light no Yoru" was still a solid state synthpop creation.

However, I do think that the underlying rhythm of another collaboration with DÉ DÉ MOUSE, this time the partner being punipunidenki(ぷにぷに電機...Squishy Electric), "Midnight Dew" is reminiscent of Mariya Takeuchi's(竹内まりや)"Plastic Love" in the chorus, and therefore, maybe there is that Neo-City Poppiness by default. Perhaps I can even see the song which was released in December 2021 as a sultrier and even more worldly descendant of "Plastic Love". DÉ DÉ MOUSE took care of the melody while punipunidenki handled the lyrics.

I also like the music video above with the typography of the title and the artists' names. Moreover, we've got DÉ DÉ MOUSE and punipunidenki acting as quiet and efficient bartender and seen-it-all customer respectively. The latter's website profile has their own description as a songwriter and producer but no mention of them as a singer. However, I think that punipunidenki does a good job behind the mike with a whispery voice that has hints of Hikaru Utada(宇多田ヒカル). Taking into account the release date of "Midnight Dew", the video makes for a nice counterpoint to the various parties in Tokyo filled with Christmas cheer. Punipunidenki is most likely saying "Screw the cheer! I want chill.". 

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