Friday, October 14, 2022

Happy 150th Anniversary to Railroads in Japan!


Well, NHK's "News at 9" went on a different tack this morning here. Instead of the usual doom-and-gloom news (for the most part), the anchors and reporters not only based their broadcast from the Osaka studio for the first time, but they also gave a cheery report on the 2025 Expo there and acknowledged some history in that 2022 is the 150th anniversary of railroads in Japan.

For a country filled with rabid train enthusiasts, this sesquicentennial has to be a big deal. And at Shimbashi Station in Tokyo, there was a commemorative ceremony and not surprisingly, a ton of tore-ota showed up with cameras and smartphones in tow. I can only imagine that there have been many specials all over the television dial this year as well as similar station ceremonies all over Japan.

If I'd known about this auspicious year in public transportation, I would have acknowledged it on Aya's(彩)"Happy Train" which I wrote about on Monday. However, this has given me an opportunity to devote an Author's Picks on those train-connected tunes. Of course, there is so much related kayo out there and I've covered my small share of them here on KKP, but off the top of my head, I'll just put these up in my own recognition of this piece of history.

TOKIO -- Ambitious Japan!

Karyudo -- Azusa Ni-go (あずさ2号)

Ruiko Kurahashi -- Chuo Line(中央ライン)

Denki Groove -- Popo (ポポ)

ZOO -- Choo Choo Train

While you're at it, enjoy some of Kuga's Travel via the Komachi!

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