Sunday, October 30, 2022

Tulip -- Muchuu sa Kimi ni(夢中さ君に)


It's been a couple of years since I've written up an article dedicated to the famous group Tulip(チューリップ)with Kazuo Zaitsu(財津和夫), so I'm happy that I'm going to devoting this space to the B-side of one of their enduring hits, their first No. 1 "Kokoro no Tabi"(心の旅)from April 1973. And it was a good thing that this was their breakthrough hit, too, since as I mentioned in that article that this was the final make-or-break effort by the guys.

In comparison with the folksy rock anthem of "Kokoro no Tabi" which I think should be played for any sendoff of anyone heading off to a big adventure from the small hometown, "Muchuu sa Kimi ni" (I'm So into You) is a fun 1950s rock n' roll style romper (especially with that sax solo and the background chorus) about a college guy falling head-over-heels for that co-ed who may be a little higher than his station. Considering that it was first heard on all of those record players in the early 1970s, "Muchuu sa Kimi ni" may have been unintentionally prescient about the coming wave of rock n' roll and 50s pop culture that overtook Japan about half a decade later.

As with "Kokoro no Tabi", "Muchuu sa Kimi ni" was written and composed by Zaitsu, and according to its J-Wiki article, that B-side has been a popular request at their concerts over the years. Apparently, it's the tradition for the audience to yell "Zaitsu-san!" for each verse. Once again, it's a fun tune and while I can sway to "Kokoro no Tabi", I've put a little more speed into my side-to-side movements to "Muchuu sa Kimi ni".

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