Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Yuko Tomita -- Yokohama Kaze no Station(YOKOHAMA風のステイション)


More than 24 hours ago on my latest Yumi Tanimura(谷村有美)article, I was complaining about a throbbing lumbar and a dead computer mouse. Happily, one has been largely remedied and the other has been replaced easily enough. Usually by this point on a Tuesday night, I would have already gotten my usual two articles up on the blog, but today I was waiting for part of my Xmas package to arrive by courier, so I had to keep my ears open for that telephone call. The package finally arrived at 4 pm.

Anyways, enough of my shopping spree news. Just by coincidence as I type up this article for singer-songwriter Yuko Tomita(とみたゆう子), it was exactly one year ago today that I contributed the last Tomita article via her "SECRET LIPS" from 1984. That song was an interesting mélange of pop, City Pop (via the sophisti-pop route) and even some synth-Caribbean.

I'm gathering that Tomita seems to enjoy putting together a mix of styles into her music, and that includes her 10th single from February 1986, "Yokohama Kaze no Station" (Yokohama Windy Station). This was a song put together by Tomita and arranged by Mitsuo Hagita(萩田光雄). For this one, it's quite the intriguing combination of 1960s romantic pop balladry through the synths, some Taeko Ohnuki(大貫妙子)quirky pop and even a bit of Ruiko Kurahashi(倉橋ルイ子)Fashion Music. Tomita, in tandem with that first genre of 60s pop, goes full bore into Connie Francis torch song mode. The cover of the single is pretty darn classy including the singer getting all gussied up in front of the mirror and the iconography for the title.

"Yokohama Kaze no Station" would be Tomita's final single for several years until the early 1990s when she would release three more singles.

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