Friday, February 10, 2023

Keiko Toda -- Kaiten Tobira(回転とびら)


Up to this point, I've only had a couple of songs in the Keiko Toda(戸田恵子)file: her 1983 City Pop tune "FADE IN ~ Youmei"(溶明)and then her fourth single, "Hitori Uranai"(ひとり占い), when she was known as the aidoru Akemi Ayu(あゆ朱美)in the 1970s

The future voice for Anpanman(アンパンマン)released her debut album under either Ayu or Toda in 1981, "Soft Drinks"(ソフトドリンク). I'll have to see whether her first LP was a City Pop release but in the meantime, the song that launches Side B is "Kaiten Tobira" (Revolving Door) which was written by screenwriter Keiichiro Honjo(本庄慧一郎)under his real name, Ichiro Mochida(望田市郎), and composed by singer-songwriter Tatsushi Umegaki(梅垣達志).

Compared to the slick and sophisticated "FADE IN ~ Youmei", "Kaiten Tobira" is a bit more of a jumpy disco tune with Toda in full-throated form. In fact, I'd say that there is some resemblance to some of the happy City Pop tunes that Hiromi Iwasaki(岩崎宏美)had been singing in the late 1970s. As for what the title is all about, apparently the vagaries of love can be analogized as perpetually going in and out that particular door with no one really being able to meet each other in all the ways that matter. My only question is what scotch mist is. I can only imagine that heavy drinkers may be able to get their quick fix with sprayable libations.

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