Saturday, March 25, 2023

J-Canuck's Rain Songs


Yup, it's not exactly fun weather out there unless you like being buffeted by wind and rain whilst the temperatures are just above freezing. Had to get some grocery shopping done but both my umbrella and I managed to run the meteorological gauntlet without losing too many of our wits.

To be honest, in the decade-plus history of "Kayo Kyoku Plus" I don't know whether I've done an Author's Pick on rain-titled kayo or J-Pop. I should have since one of the first sources of Japanese pop music that I heard once I became a believer was an episode of "Sounds of Japan" which had the theme of rain. In fact, the first two choices of the five listed below were played on that very episode. 

For some reason, of all of the basic elements out there, rain seems to have been the most popular choice for kayo kyoku titles. Perhaps it's due to all of the emotions that it evokes. But without further ado, here are a mere five of my rain songs.

(1977) Iruka -- Ame no Monogatari (雨の物語)

(1978) Junko Yagami -- Mizuiro no Ame (みずいろの雨)

(1990) Chisato Moritaka -- Ame (雨)

(1980) Aki Yashiro -- Ame no Bojou(雨の慕情)

(1969) Hiroshi Uchiyamada and The Cool Five -- Nagasaki wa Kyou mo Ame Datta (長崎は今日も雨だった)

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