Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Mariya Takeuchi -- Crying All Night Long



All right, mea culpa from me. I had forgotten about Mariya Takeuchi's(竹内まりや) birthday yesterday until I saw one of my fellow Twitter buddies mention the fact. But in my defense, I did remember a day ahead of schedule last year when I put up her "Kanashiki Night & Day"(悲しきNIGHT & DAY). And let's be honest, I was never good with birthdays outside of the members of my own family.

Regardless, a Happy (Belated) Birthday to Ms. Takeuchi! As such, I am going with the B-side to her September 1981 8th single "Special Delivery", "Crying All Night Long". The singer came up with the all-English lyrics about a woman doing some heavy-duty expulsion of lachrymal fluid since her guys may have decided to leave her for another woman. Meanwhile, singer-songwriter Ginji Ito(伊藤銀次)came up with the interesting mix of country and perhaps some disco-infused pop. I'm getting some Melissa Manchester vibes from this one. 

I'm now going to Gibbs slap myself upside the head with one of her pictures.

From japansmusic.com
(This was the only thing close to angry
Mariya I could find.)

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