Friday, March 24, 2023

Masayo Kawaguchi -- Melty


Being a foodie with a sweet tooth, when I saw the title of the song, I couldn't help but think about chocolate getting heated into that velvety goodness.

And there is something about Masayo Kawaguchi's(川口雅代)delivery of "Melty" which had me making the same comparisons with that flowing melted chocolate. I've already written about polymath Kawaguchi via her first article on KKP for "Salmon Pink" (さあもん ぴんく) so you can find out why I gave her that label. Both "Melty" and "Salmon Pink" belong to her first album "Salute - Go-Aisatsu"(SALUTE 〜ご・あ・い・さ・つ〜...Greetings) from 1981.

"Melty" was written and composed by Kawaguchi and it's about as City Pop as one can get, thanks to all of those usual instruments such as bass, keyboards and the like along with Akira Inoue's(井上鑑) arrangements. Despite my chocolate hallucinations, I'd probably think that most listeners would go for some cocktails or champagne in a hotel lounge on hearing this song. The song was also given its own single treatment when it was released the following year.

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