Sunday, March 19, 2023

the slow films -- slow dance


It's the end of another weekend, and for this one, we celebrated St. Patrick's Day once more with the traditional parade that everyone had especially been waiting for a very long time. Still, Sunday is almost over and it's time to get ready for another work week.

Might want something more calming and contemplative. I did find a song that almost reaches that goal. The band the slow films got their start in 2019 with vocalist miku and bassist Shota Kurihara before being joined by drummer Mikiya Hamabe and then guitarist Asami Ishimura according to their website. Another site states that the band has been influenced by alternative, shoegaze and City Pop.

At this point, the slow films put out one EP in 2021 titled "Frames", and one of the tracks is "slow dance". It stands out for miku's down-to-earth vocals which remind me a lot of the languid tones of UA. Most of "slow dance" has that around-midnight feeling of strolling home alone or with one other after a good night of being out with friends, but then two-thirds of the way through, the buzzy rock cuts in like a chainsaw. It settles down after that but it keeps to a higher volume than before for most of the remainder of the song when it slows down and I gather that the person or persons finally get to their apartment.

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