Monday, May 8, 2023

Fishmans -- Baby Blue


I was reading the first comment under this video for Fishmans'(フィッシュマンズ)"Baby Blue". The fellow had apparently first heard the song a while back at his gym and being very intrigued, he went on a search for it. It took about two years before he finally pegged it down much to his delight. Yeah, I've been there. I've found long-lost songs and I'm still searching for some of them.

As I mentioned off the top, this is "Baby Blue", a March 1996 single from their album "Kuuchuu Camp"(空中キャンプ...Aerial Camp) which was released a month earlier. This is a relaxing reggae/pop song by multi-genre (pop, rock, reggae, shoegaze, Neo-psychedelia, dub and Shibuya-kei) band Fishmans and although the lyrics (along with music) by vocalist/bassist Shinji Sato(佐藤伸治)talk of some existential crisis regarding a man and a woman, the overall groovy effect of "Baby Blue" is simply to hit a hammock in some warm and sunny clime and enjoy that cocktail. It indeed puts me at ease especially since the weather here has finally warmed up and gotten sunny over the last couple of days. I really only need that frozen margarita. 

Fishmans started up in 1987 and has been active and inactive right up to the present day. Right now, according to their website, it appears that some form of the band had a March 2023 performance at the Liquid Room in Ebisu, Tokyo and they're slated to headline at a September event called Wind Parade in Chichibu, Saitama Prefecture. The original lineup consisted of Sato, guitarist/vocalist Kensuke Ojima(小嶋謙介)and drummer Kinichi Motegi(茂木欣一)but there have been changes there and the addition of support members. One major sad change was the passing of Sato in 1999 at the age of 33 due to heart failure.


  1. This is some groovy music! I could imagine this as playing as BGM in a shopping mall where people are probably paying more attention to the soothing tune than to the lyrics as the browse and shop.

    1. I'm not religious but I'm hoping that wherever Sato is, he's looking down with appreciation that his band's music has gotten its admirers over the years.

  2. You should review another of their songs "Long Season", it lives up to it's name with a half hour run time, but don't let that stop you- It's an incredible song!

    1. Hi, bonk. Thanks for telling me about "Long Season". I've listened to a bit of each segment and yeah, it sounds very interesting. I'll have to see about covering it next month.

  3. Great! looking forward to it

  4. I got hip to this song from this mix 11 years ago. One of my favorites. Check out all the Yellow Cocktail mixes, you'll enjoy them a lot!


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