Tuesday, July 4, 2023

J-Canuck's "America" Tunes


For everyone reading this in the United States, Happy 4th of July. If I'm not mistaken, America is celebrating its 247th birthday today...getting close to that special 250th anniversary. According to Wikipedia, the word that you can use to describe such an occasion is a Sestercentennial which is probably a whole lot easier to pronounce than Bicenquinquagenary which is an alternate term. But we can all worry about that a few years down the line in 2026, eh?

Anyways, I was figuring that since I did a "Canada" Tunes article on Canada Day, I thought that I would do the same thing for the United States of America south of us. Of course, there is plenty of variety in terms of the music involved.

(1986) Checkers -- Song for U.S.A.

(1982) Anri -- Omoikiri American(思いきりアメリカン)

(1979) Circus -- American Feeling

(1978) Shigeru Suzuki -- Kennedy Airport

(1980) Junko Yagami -- Purpletown (パープルタウン)You Oughta Know By Now

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