Friday, July 28, 2023

Meiko Nakahara -- New York de Salsa (NEW YORK でサルサ)

From Good Free Photos


Ah, yes....Ryan Serhant presents one of the highest and most expensive real estate properties on Planet Earth at a quarter of a billion dollars. I guess whoever does win the Powerball lottery in the next several hours may be looking at this place in New York a little more sagely. Hmmm...I wonder if it comes with Wi-Fi.😏

From what I've heard regarding former singer-songwriter Meiko Nakahara(中原めいこ), she may have been plying her trade as a realtor in the Big Apple for the past few decades, so this particular song is quite prophetic. "New York de Salsa" (Salsa in New York) is the final track on her March 1986 album "MOODS", and though Nakahara's melody (and lyrics) has nothing to do with salsa, it does have a lot to do with the jazzier caviar-and-champagne wing of City Pop going into the late 1980s. It really does feel like painting the town red in the tonier parts of Manhattan and leaving the bill with Mayor Ed Koch.

Now, to provide both sides of the issue, here is Erik Conover showing off one of the cheapest apartments in New York City. I remember Conover showing off those palatial mansions too back in the day on YouTube. I guess things do change over time.


  1. Fireminer here. As long as I remember, New York house price has always been murder. And the funny thing is that people with money do not suffer to live in it - not many actually enjoy living in that city, had it not for the subway system better than almost anywhere else in America. It is the same situation as London - Rich people buy real estate there and left it vacant because all they want is somewhere to park their wealth.

    Anyway, this is a pretty good song. Not as good as Nakahara's other output, but still quite listenable. And I distinctively remember she had another song that sounds like Salsa.

    1. Hi, Fireminer. I've heard about the price of living in a small apartment in New York. Toronto is also murder as well. Even a ramshackle house here could cost as much as a million bucks.


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