Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Hiromi Iwasaki -- Biyaku(媚薬)


Hearing that disco bass plowing away, I felt like putting on those platform shoes and the green leisure suit to strut down the main street. These days, I'd probably be taken away by security. 

No matter. I'm talking about Hiromi Iwasaki's(岩崎宏美)"Biyaku" (Aphrodisiac) which was the first track on her August 1978 7th album "Pandora no Kobako"(パンドラの小箱...Pandora's Box). Starting off with a drum pattern that automatically reminded me of Paul Simon's "50 Ways to Leave Your Lover", it then seemingly takes listeners to a hot and sultry Roppongi of the 1970s while Hiromi sings about trying her darndest to get away from a guy who's simply a bit too much for her. As composed by Kyohei Tsutsumi(筒美京平)and written by Yoko Aki(阿木燿子), that bass, the horns and even Iwasaki's vocals conspire to weave a tale of forbidden love on the busy streets of Tokyo.

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