Saturday, September 9, 2023

Reiko Takahashi -- September Blue


It's hard for me to imagine but it's been over three years since I posted Reiko Takahashi's(高橋玲子)"Sunset Road"(サンセット・ロード)that I first heard as a Vaporwave treatment before hearing the original and slower-tempo second single from July 1987.

Well, I've now gotten to hear the B-side to "Sunset Road" and it's also a pretty darn good tune. "September Blue" tends more toward the City Pop side of things compared to the AOR sense of "Sunset Road". The lyricist Junko Sato(佐藤純子)and the arranger Keiichi Oku(奥慶一)also took care of this one as they did the A-side, but this time, instead of Kingo Hamada(濱田金吾), the composer is Hideya Nakazaki(中崎英也). Listening to it a couple of times now, I get that feeling of Anri(杏里)through the vocals and arrangement (including the horns), and so I'm left wondering about the fact that Takahashi only released those two singles.

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