Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Yoko Ishino -- Teddy Boy Blues(テディーボーイ・ブルース)


As I've mentioned from time to time in the articles, I've been a reader of the website "TV Tropes" and a few days ago, I saw a topic called "One-Hit Wonders" and as I was scrolling down the page, I was surprised to see the following paragraph:

80s J-Pop idol Yohko Ishino had a brief music career and acquired much more success as a film and TV actress. She is only remembered today for the song "Teddy Boy Blues", and even then just because an 8-bit rendition of it was used as the soundtrack for the 1985 SEGA video game of the same name. The game was an early example of cross-medial promotion, though it was just vaguely related to Yohko herself.

I introduced Yoko Ishino(石野陽子)a few years ago through a 1989 Eurobeat song that she had released and I knew that she did have her music side to her career as an entertainer. Anyone who was on a clear rise up the ladder in the geinokai at that time was pretty much obligated to cut a record, no matter the quality of their vocal cords. But as I also stated for her "Kiss made Matenai ~ My World ~"(KISSまで待てない ), I first got to know about Ishino as a regular cast member in the late comedian Ken Shimura's(志村けん)Fuji-TV show "Shimura Ken-san no Daijoubuda"(志村けんのだいじょうぶだぁ...Ken Shimura's Everything's All Right).

Until I saw that entry in "TV Tropes", I hadn't known about her involvement with the SEGA game "Teddy Boy Blues" for which you can see an example of it being played up at the top. Her rendition of the theme song for the game was actually her debut single as an aidoru when it was released in April 1985. 

The original song was written by Masao Urino(売野雅勇)and composed by Hiroaki Serizawa(芹澤廣明)and "Teddy Boy Blues" has that 50s rock-n'-roll feeling, something that both Urino and Serizawa have given to the songs by Checkers(チェッカーズ)who were known for that nostalgic beat in tunes like "Namida no Request"(涙のリクエスト). "Teddy Boy Blues" managed to peak at No. 41 on Oricon and it's also included in Ishino's lone album "Boys & Girls" from June 1985.

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