Monday, October 2, 2023

Hitomi Nishiyama -- Fuyu Hotel(冬ホテル)


My anime buddy and I had our usual talk earlier tonight, and once again we touched upon the topic of Ginzan Onsen located in Yamagata Prefecture. He and a couple of his friends had the opportunity to stay there a few years ago before the pandemic. Their timing was very good since they did go in the winter which is apparently quite the ideal time to visit. It's seen as prestige hot spring accommodations which are not easy to access so naturally folks are even more intrigued to visit.

I've been out most of today so I'm only able to put up the one article and so why not go with "Fuyu Hotel" (Winter Hotel) by enka singer Hitomi Nishiyama(西山ひとみ). Written by Mami Takubo(田久保真見)and composed by Koji Tokuhisa(徳久広司), the arrangement of electric guitar and strings creates the atmosphere of a windy and wintry snowscape where this titular hotel is supposedly located. Over there, a woman waiting for her gentleman friend to check in wonders how much longer their brief bubble of sin will last before it bursts.

"Fuyu Hotel" was the coupling song for Nishiyama's 2019 single, "Uragiri no Hana"(裏切りの花...Flowers of Betrayal). According to her profile, she was born Hitomi Fujiki(藤木妃都美)in Kumamoto Prefecture, the daughter of a master rokyoku singer and began her career in the mid-1990s. 

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