Monday, October 30, 2023

Milk (pop duo) -- Manazashi ni I feel so love(視線にI feel so love)


Happy Halloween Eve! It's overcast and the temperatures are much more seasonal than they were at the beginning of October when it seemed like summer really wanted to stick around. Not complaining too much, although I think the kids will need an extra layer or two when they're out trick or treating tomorrow night.

Anyways to start off this transitional week from October to November, for the first time in over a couple of years, I have brought back the obscure sister act known as Milk with the Miyajima sisters, Ritsuko and Rie(宮島律子・宮島理恵). The last time I posted anything by them, it was for their "HANASANAI", their 1988 contribution to the anime "Earthian"(アーシアン). And like it, the B-side to Milk's 1987 EP "For A Week Story", "Manazashi ni I feel so love" (I Feel So Much Love in Your Gaze), has a goodly amount of City Pop in there.

I had to search for the original liner sheet from the EP on Google Images but at least I could confirm that Ritsuko was behind words and music; there is another person who helped out with the composition but I am unable to make out the kanji scratches. "Manazashi ni I feel so love" begins with some bopping percussion and rock guitar before a smooth urban arrangement of keyboards, thumping rhythms and the Miyajimas' echoing chorus of "I feel so love" fills the ears. The guy who flies in here and there is apparently singer-songwriter Hideo Saito(斉藤英夫).


  1. Hi J-Canuck!

    Looks like this song is also on their first album, "MILK" (1987).

    So, here is a copy/paste from Ritsuko's Wikipedia page:
    視線に I Feel So Love:作詞:Milk (宮島律子)・名田谷香織/作曲:Milk (宮島律子) /編曲:塚田のび太



    1. Good to hear from you again, Daemonskald. It's been a while. Thanks very much as always. I should have scrolled further down Miyajima's article. :)


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