Monday, December 25, 2023

Nanatsuboshi -- Juu-ni-gatsu no Tokubetsu na Yoru(12月の特別な夜)


Merry Christmas to everyone out there. Hopefully, folks are waking up to happy family, friends, good food and a joyous occasion...the occasional turkey leg and hot chocolate are welcome too. Perhaps many Japanese families have enjoyed their Kentucky Fried Chicken and Fujiya shortcake in the last several hours. 

Being December 25th and all, this is the final day for the J-Xmas season on "Kayo Kyoku Plus" so I would like to bring out the remaining seasonal songs beginning with Nanatsuboshi's(ななつ星)"Juu-ni-gatsu no Tokubetsu na Yoru" (A Special Night in December). Now, back on December 1st, I mentioned about this mystery merging of aidoru trio Lip's, another aidoru trio called Rakutenshi(楽天使...Happy Angels) and aidoru Rumi Shishido(宍戸留美)to form this unit Nanatsuboshi(ななつ星...Seven Stars) which not only eschewed any media exposure but even a few members of this septet admitted that they hadn't even come together for recording. In fact, the article where I mentioned Nanatsuboshi doesn't even have Nanatsuboshi on the byline; it's actually just Lip's who provided an Xmas tune, "Splendid Love (in December)" for the December 1990 Nanatsuboshi album "Seiya Nanatsuboshi"(聖夜七つ星...Holy Night Seven Stars).

OK, deep breath here. 😤 A month before the album's release, there was a one-and-only single by Nanatsuboshi titled "Ribbon Musubi no Waku Waku"(リボン結びのWAKU WAKU...Ribbon-Tying Excitement) that actually had all seven aidoru participating if not at the same time and place. The coupling song is what I wanted to start off the Christmas Day edition of KKP, "Juu-ni-gatsu no Tokubetsu na Yoru". Written by Chiroru Yaho(谷穂ちろる), composed by Tsukasa and arranged by Nobuyuki Shimizu(清水信之), the song is a lightly soulful and mellow number tenderly delivered by all involved. As the title would suggest, it emphasizes the second Valentine's Day aspect of a Christmas in Japan with much love a-plenty. I figure this couple is probably aiming for something higher than the usual KFC and Fujiya.

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