Thursday, January 25, 2024

hasirikomis -- Tokyo city


The above photo was taken at Ichigaya Station in Tokyo, and the lens is overlooking a popular fishing pond. I was watching NHK news this morning where I found out that the temperature during the morning there was -1 degree Celsius or 30 degrees Fahrenheit. That temp would actually be a bit balmy here in Toronto but in the Japanese capital, that's darn frigid. And in a city where many of the houses and apartments still don't have central heating or insulation, that's darn frigid as well.

Still miss the old megalopolis, though. Plus, this song, "Tokyo city" by the three-piece band hasirikomis(ハシリコミーズ)makes my heart grow even fonder. Released in perhaps late 2023 as a single, I like the pop-rock groove with the half-sung/half-rapped vocals of loving life and romance in Japan's largest city. I can even pick up on some 70s funk in there, too.

"Tokyo city" was written and composed by vocalist/guitarist Ataru(アタル)and he's joined by his two bandmates, bassist/vocalist Aoi(あおい)and drummer/vocalist Sawa(さわ). Their website is pretty sparse in information so I had to find out from Ongaku Natalie that hasirikomis formed in 2019 with their first album, "Muri Shiyou!"(無理しよう!...Let's Do the Impossible!), coming out in August 2020. As for the name, I think it comes from the word hashirikomi(走り込み)which refers to "long training runs" according to

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, this song and the video has more than bit of a 1970's feel to it!


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