Thursday, March 28, 2024

The END of the WORLD -- Takai Sora no Machi(高い空の街)

When I first heard the song and read the title to it, memories took me back to Cloud City from "The Empire Strikes Back". 

Now, being a fellow who is fascinated by what future architecture might bring to the table over the next several years and decades, I do like to check out those YouTube videos on the subject. Fantastical as it may seem, wouldn't it be nice if I could somehow live long enough to actually head up to a city in the sky? 

As for the song itself, I'm talking about "Takai Sora no Machi" (The City High in the Sky) by the duo The END of the WORLD which I think had their heyday in the 1990s. I couldn't find out much about them but on the "Light Mellow BU" website, I did find out that it consisted of former Pizzicato Five member Ryo Kamomiya(鴨宮諒)and vocalist Yoko. There was one album they put out in 1995 titled "Yasashii Tsunagari"(優しい繋がり...Gentle Connections), and for a band whose name sounds rather depressing, Yoko beams out a very pleasant and kind face.

"Takai Sora no Machi" is the first track on "Yasashii Tsunagari" and it's a mellow beginning to the album with some bossa nova and Charles Shimizu's organ which perhaps takes things a tad into Shibuya-kei. Kamomiya was behind the melody while Yumi Iwaki(岩城由美)took care of the lyrics. I think "Light Mellow BU" was a bit harsh in describing Yoko's vocals as "dead", although I think perhaps what was meant here was "low-key". Personally, I think her singing is quite nice and sweet and well-fitting for the warm bossa.

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