Saturday, May 4, 2024

Nash Music Library -- Sunday Breakfast


Considering the title of this song, it's perhaps a tad early especially because I'm typing this after Saturday Lunch (which consisted of a couple of hot dogs, a blueberry muffin, and yogurt). Still, it's a fine opportunity for me to show off this photo of my breakfast at the famous family restaurant Royal Host in Japan. Good golly, they like making their toast nice and thick over there.

Once again, Nash Music Library cordially brings over their menu of whimsical musical delights including "Sunday Breakfast" from their February 2024 collection known as "Morning Chill". It sounds like a very languid version of Burt Bacharach style as if good ol' Burt were waking up way too early after a large night and stumbling about in the kitchen trying to make the usual Sunday breakfast. Perhaps he was only successful in making a cup of coffee by the end.⛾

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