Tuesday, May 21, 2024

THE BOOM -- Hoshi no Love Letter(星のラブレター)


Waking up early on a Tuesday as we always do now to watch "Uta Con"(うたコン), we got to see singer-songwriter and actor Kazufumi Miyazawa(宮沢和史)of THE BOOM show up to do a collaboration with Princess Princess singer and guitarist Kaori Kishitani(岸谷香). They performed THE BOOM's 2nd single "Hoshi no Love Letter" (Love Letter of the Stars) which was released all the way back in September 1989.

Written and composed by Miyazawa, "Hoshi no Love Letter" has this relaxing beat which either makes the song sound like either a peppy reggae song or a mellower ska tune, but for now I'm gonna categorize it as a pop/rock number. The story behind the song is of a man who presumably wrote a love letter for that lady of his dreams who got away from him. Not wanting to let this opportunity go, he vows to find her and properly let her know his feelings.

Come to think of it, "Hoshi no Love Letter" does remind me of The Beatles' "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da" from 1968 and that has been categorized as pop and ska, so I guess I'll throw in the ska label after all. Anyways, just so that despite THE BOOM's sunny music and ways, we're reminded that Miyazawa and crew aren't from Okinawa, and that is shown in the lyrics in "Hoshi no Love Letter" which also include Asahi Douri(朝日通り...Asahi Avenue), a street located in the vocalist's hometown of Kofu City in landlocked Yamanashi Prefecture, not too far away from Tokyo

The original single peaked at No. 56 on Oricon. A 25th anniversary edition of "Hoshi no Love Letter" was released in May 2014. That one scored a No. 48 ranking and it turned out to be THE BOOM's 35th and final single. THE BOOM was one of the earlier acts that we brought onto KKP last decade but this particular single even prefaces the more famous "Kaze ni Naritai"(風になりたい)by several years.

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