Saturday, June 1, 2024

Just for Fun...The J-C AI Gallery: Harumi, Hibari and Sayuri


Looks like Kayo Grace has finally gotten to do a painting of her guy instead of herself all the time. Anyways, last week, I posted up the AI gallery with representatives of enka tunes sung by male performers, so I should also include the women as well. As with that one, I threw in my descriptions of the images that I got from listening and/or reading the lyrics of the songs.

Harumi Miyako -- Kita no Yado Kara

Hibari Misora -- Yawara

Sayuri Ishikawa --  Tsugaru Kaikyo Fuyu Geshiki 


  1. My mother in law is a big fan of Tsugaru Kaikyo!, actually she likes anything with Tsugaru in the title of the lyrics. After all she is from the Tsugaru area of Aomori prefecture. Aomori prefecture has three main areas the Tsugaru area, the Nambu Area, and the Shimokita area each with their own dialects. I enjoyed the Yawara anime, but I did not know that Misora Hibari had a song titled Yawara!

    1. Hello, Brian. It's been a while. I can imagine that your mother-in-law is happy that there have been a few songs regarding the area including Ishikawa's famous one.

      I used to watch "Yawara!" back in my JET days but didn't find out about Misora's signature song until years later.

  2. I think your JET days might have been around the time Yawara was first airing on Tv? Oh, I think there was even a live-action movie version of Yawara, too. I didn't see it, but I did see the Anime Yawara movie.

    1. Yes, "Yawara!" was in its first run on NTV while I was up in the Japanese Alps. Didn't get to see the whole thing since I was later assigned to teach night classes.


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