Sunday, June 16, 2024

Train Station Melodies (発車メロディ)


Seeing back on Tuesday that I put up the congratulatory posting on a couple of Akina Nakamori(中森明菜)songs getting used as train station melodies at Kiyose Station, I've decided to put some more melodies into KKP. I've known for a long time that pop songs have been used among the vast network of stations across Japan but this is the first time that I'm putting up such an article here on the blog. As such, the following are only a few of such melodies.

Puffy -- Nagisa ni Matsuwaru Et Cetera (渚にまつわるエトセトラ)

This is only played at Kinosaki Onsen Station on the San'in Main Line in Toyooka City, Hyogo Prefecture during the winter because the area is known for its haul of tasty crab, and the Puffy trademark tune has the lyric of "Let's go and have some crab!".

Iruka/Kaguyahime -- Nagori Yuki (なごり雪)

The evergreen folk song by both Iruka(イルカ)and the band Kaguyahime(かぐや姫)can be heard at Tsukumi Station on the Nippou Main Line in Tsukumi City, Oita Prefecture. According to an archived article, songwriter Shozo Ise(伊勢正三)had based the song on this particular station itself.

Kyu Sakamoto -- Ue wo Muite Arukou (上を向いて歩こう)

C'mon...there was no way that this song was NOT going to be included as a train station melody somewhere in Japan. In fact, it's used at a number of being Keikyu Kawasaki Station on the Keikyu Main Line in Kawasaki City west of Tokyo. Kawasaki City is special, though, because Kyu Sakamoto(坂本九)was born in the city.

Masafumi Akikawa -- Sen no Kaze ni Natte (千の風になって)

Up at Onuma Koen Station on the Hakodate Main Line in the town of Nanae, Hokkaido, this tear-worthy ballad plays for about ten minutes a shot in various arrangements while folks wait for the train. Apparently, the setting in the song was the town itself.

Isao Sasaki -- The Theme from Space Cruiser Yamato (宇宙戦艦ヤマト)

One of anime's greatest theme songs also resides at Kure Station on the Kure Line in Kure, Hiroshima Prefecture. The real-life battleship Yamato was built at the former Kure Naval Arsenal which is one reason for the theme being used at the station. The other reason is that the late creator of "Uchuu Senkan Yamato", Leiji Matsumoto(松本零士), was the Director Emeritus of the Yamato Museum located near the station.

Kami Takada Shonen Gasshodan/Zone -- Theme from Tetsuwan Atomu (鉄腕アトムのテーマ)

Of course, I have to finish off with the one train station melody that I used to hear all the time while I was living in the Tokyo area. I used to hear the "Astro Boy" theme when I was making the transfer from the JR Yamanote Line loop to the Tozai Line at Takadanobaba Station to head on back to Chiba Prefecture. 

So, for any of you who have lived in Japan, are there any train station melodies that were part of your lives?


  1. I think Shinkansen in Kyoto briefly plays "Ii Hi Tabidachi". Yokohama station jingle is "Blue Light Yokohama" appropriately enough

    1. "Blue Light Yokohama" would definitely be welcome at any station in Yokohama. Maybe "Yokohama Tasogare" is another one.

  2. I am still in Japan, but I haven't paid too much attention to the melodies at the train stations. I should check out Hirosaki station, Aomori station and new Aomori station.

    1. Hi, Brian. Interestingly enough, Hirosaki Station has "Tsugaru Jongara Bushi" which you commented upon a few days ago.


Feel free to provide any comments (pro or con). Just be civil about it.