
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Satellite Lovers -- Best Friend


Hopefully, everyone is having a nice time out this weekend. Mind you, in our province over the past couple of weeks, folks ranging from restauranteurs to patio-loving customers have been on tenterhooks because of a strike that was going on with employees of the provincial liquor board stores. This meant that stocks of alcohol were slowly going dry and if it hadn't been for the resolution of the dispute earlier this morning, drinkers would have had a hard time getting their scotch-on-the-rocks and margaritas, but it looks like the taps will be running again as of Tuesday...if everything is ratified.

Anyways, getting away from local labour disputes, I think this song can make for a pleasant accompaniment to any outside patio for a drinking establishment in Shibuya or the Tokyo Bay area. As one YouTube commenter put it, the band Satellite Lovers slipped through the cracks of recognition for that person as they did for me. I only discovered them within the last few weeks. Their J-Wiki article has them categorized as two men and one woman starting out in 1994 as a folksier Shibuya-kei soul unit but later going into hip-hop.

Vocalist Mika Ikeuchi(池内美加), guitarist Hiroyuki Suzuki(鈴木洋之)and guitarist/bassist Yutaka Nakano(中野豊)put out two singles and four albums and mini-albums in those 1990s, and to begin the Satellite Lovers file on "Kayo Kyoku Plus", we have "Best Friend", the first track on their July 1996 mini-album "Sons of 1973". The first few seconds of an organ that sounded like the opening for an old-fashioned radio-based soap opera worried me for a bit but then came the horns including the lovely flugelhorn and I was set at ease. "Best Friend" really is a summery and pleasant mid-tempo tune to join one for a Heineken or a Sapporo Super Dry.


  1. Papa Algorithm is pushing them hard and I am happy.

    The album getting a million views in seven weeks:

    This is a video about them that others may enjoy:

    The other algorithm revival is this high school band performing in 2016 that got pushed starting a couple months ago almost at a million views too:

  2. I actually heard this album a month ago, thanks again to the Youtube algorithm. Another recommendation from the algorithm is Double's "Strange Things," which took off on TikTok and Instagram for people who didn't know what Japanese R&B is like.

  3. Sounds like that YouTube algorithm is gaining a life of its own. Hey, if it pushes the case for Japanese pop music, I'm a happy man.:)

  4. The more I have listened to it I would say that it being underrated led to being overrated and with a small backlash in the comments pointing it out.

    I would say that it is a B+ album that has a nearly A+ level of even keel groove if you just need to relax and not notice at some of the odd things about it and get annoyed at some of the songs being too long.


Feel free to provide any comments (pro or con). Just be civil about it.