Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Jun Horie -- Yume Fubuki(夢吹雪)


Singer-songwriter Jun Horie(堀江淳)has always kept a special place in the "Kayo Kyoku Plus" heart all these years. His April 1981 hit tune, the zippy "Memory Glass"(メモリーグラス), not only remains as one of the songs that finally got me to appreciate Japanese popular music but the article for the song is the very first one on KKP.

Well, as I've always said, never forget those B-sides, and so I bring you "Yume Fubuki" (Dream Blizzard). As expected, Horie was responsible for the melody but this time, lyricist Kaoru Asaki(麻木かおる) came up with the bittersweet words. Motoki Funayama(船山基紀), as was the case for "Memory Glass", took care of arrangement. Listening to "Yume Fubuki", I've gradually gotten the impression that Horie is at heart more of a folk singer along the lines of the late and great Kozo Murashita(村下孝蔵), and that is also true for "Yume Fubuki" which retains the same level of jauntiness as the A-side. The story behind this one involves a fellow who's putting up a brave front after a romantic breakup but is still hurting inside and the wintry evening outside isn't helping his mood any. An extra sweater, perhaps?

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