Saturday, August 24, 2024

Kantaro Yamamoto -- Jumping High Way


Singer-songwriter Kantaro Yamamoto(山本寛太郎)has around four articles here on "Kayo Kyoku Plus", but the only one thus far which has his own name on the byline is the one for "Silver Sweet Heart"(シルバー・スイート・ハート). This is a 1979 City Pop treat which came out as his third single.

Well, the second article with his name on the byline is for "Jumping High Way" which was written and composed by Yamamoto and arranged by Ichizo Seo(瀬尾一三). Definitely not a City Pop song, it's more of a breezy AOR or generally New Music drive-friendly tune as it sounds like the singer is enjoying his cruise down the highways and byways of Japan. Things get a little more rock-oriented near the end as it sounds as if Yamamoto has decided to put his jalopy into a higher gear.

"Jumping High Way" is the first track that launches Yamamoto's lone 1981 album "Atlantroog"(アトラントローグ). As for why he named it in that bizarre fashion, I've got no idea, but I'm hoping that the rest of the album is as down-to-earth as this song.

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