Saturday, September 14, 2024

Michiru Yuasa -- Watashi no Hana(私の花)


A few months ago, I introduced a singer to the pages of KKP by the name of Michiru Yuasa(ゆあさみちる)after I'd seen her on an episode of "Shin BS Nihon no Uta"(新・BS日本のうた). She performed something that was a little different from the usual enka and Mood Kayo via her "Osozaki no Hero"(遅咲きのHERO)which was more along the lines of 80s rocker Ayumi Nakamura(中村あゆみ).

Well, when she made her official debut back in April 2020, her first single was "Watashi no Hana" (My Flower) which was written by Reiko Kaminaka(紙中礼子)and composed by Yuhei Hanaoka(花岡優平). After listening to it, I realized that this particular song was the type of kayo that I would usually hear on "Shin BS Nihon no Uta", but I wouldn't classify it as either enka or Mood Kayo. For me, this is in that genre middle ground known as New Adult Music sprinkled with Latin. And in the music video above, Yuasa even pulls off some tango moves. 

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