Thursday, August 30, 2012

Keizo Nakanishi -- So Bad

One of my favourite songs by pop/R&B singer Keizo Nakanishi(中西圭三). "So Bad" is so good. It has all of my favourite elements in an uptempo song: tight horn section, great vocals and GROOVE. Being a fan of all that was R&B and fusion in the late 70s/early 80s (Earth Wind & Fire, Michael Jackson, Steely Dan, etc.), it's always splendiferous when Japanese acts like Nakanishi, Sing Like Talking and Toko Furuuchi(古内東子)can also evoke some of that wonderful music. But again, I'm talking like the middle-aged man I am.

"So Bad" was Nakanishi's 16th single released in August 1995 and it was also the leadoff track on his 5th album, "Graffiti", released in September of that year. It was written by Goro Matsui(松井五郎)and composed by Nakanishi himself with Yoshiyuki Sahashi(佐橋佳幸)behind the arrangements. I've always wondered if Nakanishi and SLT have ever collaborated....

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