Monday, November 5, 2012

Christmas Songs from December

A rare heads-up but with the Yuletide just around the corner, I thought I would let you know that come December 1, I will be profiling a number of the Japanese Xmas songs (along with the usual kayo kyoku) that have come to fill my head and my CD shelves over the years as much as "White Christmas" and "Santa Claus is Coming to Town"have.

It's initially a bit odd that a nation that has less than 2% of its population officially practicing Christianity would be so much into Christmas, but in Japan, it's much less about the birth of Christ than it is about that part of the Holidays that terrifies Charlie Brown.

So be prepared for songs from Yuming, Junichi Inagaki, Dreams Come True, Seiko Matsuda and many others as KK Plus takes on J-Xmas!

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