Monday, November 19, 2012

Mieko Nishijima -- Ikegami Sen (池上線)

"Ikegami Sen"(Ikegami Line) is arguably Mieko Nishijima's(西島三重子)most famous hit. It was her 2nd single, originally from her debut 1975 album, "Fuusha"風車...Windmills) before it was given its own release in April 1976. Written by Jun'ei Sato(佐藤順英)and composed by Nishijima, the title refers to one of Tokyo's private train lines on which a young couple is undergoing a sad but quiet breakup. Listening to Nishijima's soft but unyielding vocals, her description of the situation and the couple's neighbourhood creates an intimate atmosphere; something akin to one of the most famous folk songs in Japan, "Kandagawa"神田川)by Kaguyahime(かぐや姫...Princess Kaguya) a few years back (already profiled). It would probably make a lot of listeners give off a wistful sigh.

Although Nishijima has had a career for the past few decades as an illustrator, less than a couple of weeks ago, she released a new single titled "Ikegami Sen Futatabi"池上線ふたたび...Ikegami Line Revisited), created by her and lyricist Kenji Kadoya(門谷憲二).

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