Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Toshiki Kadomatsu -- Santa ga Naita Hi (サンタが泣いた日)

Just from the translation of the title "Santa ga Naita Hi"(The Day Santa Cried) and the minor-key bells in the intro, I got a pretty big hint that the lyrics were not going to bode well for the protagonist. And sure enough, it looks like he ends up being the proverbial Charlie Brown; he tries to kick that football of love, only to have it snatched away from him most cruelly. Tellingly, during the song, Toshiki Kadomatsu's(角松敏生)lyrics talk of "throwing that bouquet of flowers into the night sky".

"Santa ga Naita Hi" was released in December 1991 to peak at No. 30 on Oricon. Written by Kadomatsu and composed by Yoshiyuki Asano(浅野祥之), the song gave plenty of opportunity for that electric guitar to wail away in anguish. It was also a track included on Kadomatsu's album of ballads, "Tears Ballad", his second album of his best ballads, released in the same month. It got as high as No. 7 on the album charts.


  1. Hi, I'm Brazilian and a fan of Toshiki Kadomatsu. I find toshiki's career vast and complex to analyze.
    toshiki kadomatsu in his career used some melodies and string arrangements similar to sertanejo (a style of ballad music highly regarded in Brazil in the 80's and 90's).
    follow example without link.

    1. Hi, Rafael and thanks for your comments. I can see where Toshiki may have been inspired by sertanejo. João Paulo & Daniel sing a ballad that reminds me a lot of some of the love songs that other Japanese and even American singers were performing during the decade.


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