Monday, December 3, 2012

Yui Asaka -- C-Girl

First off, let me thank jarteaga obregon, one of the commenters on this blog, for giving me the request to translate the lyrics for "C-Girl" when he was commenting on the entry for Iyo Matsumoto's "Sentimental Journey" (jarteaga, your translation is in the comments section of that entry).

Yui Asaka(浅香唯) was a name and face that I'd seen frequently during the late 1980s in the pages of the pop idol magazines such as "Myojo"(明星) and "Heibon"(平凡), usually in a swimsuit. However, the Miyazaki Prefecture native really didn't pick up on my radar as much as Shizuka Kudo (工藤静香) and Miho Nakayama(中山美穂) did, although with the success of "C-Girl", her 10th single released in April 1988, she was called one of "The Four Aidoru Queens" along with Kudo, Nakayama and Yoko Minamino(南野陽子).

"C-Girl", most likely short for "Candid Girl" since that was the title of the album that also had this single, is the song that I will also relate with Asaka, whose birth name was Aki Kawasaki(川崎亜紀). It also helped that one of my classmates at university was a huge fan of hers, so the song became very familiar to me. The hit was seen as the breakthrough for Asaka, although it was actually her 2nd No. 1; her first was "Niji no Dreamer" (虹のDreamer....Rainbow Dreamer) released in September 1987. "C-Girl" became the 17th-ranked song for 1988, and considering the video above, it was not surprising to note that it was also used as the campaign song for that year's Kanebo Cosmetics commercials. The song, by the way, was written by Yukinojo Mori(森雪之丞) and composed by NOBODY.

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