Thursday, May 30, 2013

PSY-S -- From The Planet With Love '87

I have to say after hearing the 1987 cover all these years, it was a shock to hear the original version of "From The Planet With Love" by PSY-S. It was never made into an official single but was a track on the duo's first album, "Different View", released in May 1985. Frankly, it sounds like a raw demo track and a rather flat and tinny one at that.

Then, a couple of years later, Masaya Matsuura(松浦雅也) and CHAKA re-tooled it into the much more boisterous piece that I love as one of my favourite PSY-S tunes. The tempo is a bit faster with more robust synths and CHAKA can get a bit more down with the lyrics, including that rap she does in the middle. The '87 version was the one I first heard via one of their BEST albums, "Two Hearts"(1992). I had first thought that the song was created for some sort of World Peace project considering the title and lyrics (all in English), but apparently not. Still, a cool song.


  1. The difference between the two versions is pretty significant :-).

    J-canuck: Too bad I've been a little busy with other things, but perhaps you'll hear more of me sooner than later.

    1. Hey, jari. Good to hear from you again. Hope to see some more of your favourites up here.

      Yeah, my jaw just kinda dropped when I came across the original version of this song. Glad it got the makeover.


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