Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Toko Furuuchi -- Itsuka Kitto (いつかきっと)

It's been over a full year since I posted my first article on the lovely songbird, Toko Furuuchi(古内東子), and half a year since I posted my last article on her, so time to break the drought, so to speak. I've decided to go with a song that wasn't an official single but it was the opening track for her 5th album, "Hourglass"(1996), the same release that had what is arguably her most successful hit, "Dare Yori Suki Nanoni"誰より好きなのに), ironically my first article on her.

"Itsuka Kitto"(Sometime For Sure) is another one of those songs penned by Furuuchi which sometimes makes me wonder why this didn't get on one of her BEST compilations. But I guess it's a tribute to a singer when even her non-hit non-singles just sound so wonderful (my apologies, fanboy talking here). I bought "Hourglass" solely for "Dare Yori Suki Nanoni" but was happy to hear some more of her smooth-as-glass creations.

Again like her the first track, "Asa"), from her 4th album, "Strength", "Itsuka Kitto" sounds like something that can get me up in the morning, and it's a bit more uptempo than "Asa" Perhaps it doesn't quite have the same dramatic quality as her biggest hit, but it doesn't have to be. It has its own pleasant qualities to sway or tap your fingers to.


  1. Hi there, fellow Blogger blogger! (I've been on Blogger for at least ten years). I LOVE Tokou Furuuchi too—but I seem to remember that when I first heard this amazing tune, probably in 2206 or so, there was a lot more info about her in English on the Web. Now it's all these streaming services . . . not interested!

    I was looking for any info on who the musicians are in this band. I remember reading that this was produced in LA but I can't remember now by who, or who the band was.

    Would you happen to know any of this stuff? Thanks in advance, and please stop by my blog(s) especially the ones about my Japan trips.



    1. Hello, Nick. Good to talk with a fellow Blogger blogger. The album "Hourglass" was indeed recorded in both LA and Tokyo. As for the band, Yasuo Sato was on drums, Hideyuki Komatsu was on keyboards and synths (he also produced the song), Yasuharu Nakanishi was on piano, Makoto Saito was on electric guitar, Mataro Misawa was on percussion. There were also the Kinbara Strings and the Kobayashi Horns. Thanks for the invitation to check out your blogs. Haven't been in Montreal for a very long time.


Feel free to provide any comments (pro or con). Just be civil about it.