Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Miki Matsubara -- It's So Creamy

"It's So Creamy" is the 2nd track on Miki Matsubara's(松原みき) inaugural album, "Pocket Park", a CD that I had wanted to get but was turned away for some reason by Amazon.jp. I couldn't get that album, but at least my anime buddy was able to track down "Miki Matsubara: Golden Best" during this travels through Tokyo last Xmas, and so it was there that I was able to listen to this song.

The song does have its interesting title, but the melody does kinda emulate it. And as I was listening to "It's So Creamy"and some of the other tracks on her BEST album, I noticed that after her debut single of "Mayonaka no Door"真夜中のドアー), she was getting a bit more timbre in her voice as if she were going for Cleo Laine's delivery. After the leadoff track of "Mayonaka no Door" on "Pocket Park", "It's So Creamy"takes Matsubara and the listener a bit further into City Pop territory with that hint of disco and Latin. The lyrics were written by Tsuzuru Nakasato(中里綴)and was composed by Ken Sato(佐藤健) who created a number of songs for fellow City Popper Junko Ohashi(大橋純子) and would later make "Fin" for Akina Nakamori(中森明菜) in the late 80s.

During her career, Matsubara released 15 singles and 9 original albums during the 1980s. It's sad to say though that she passed away at the age of 44 in 2004 due to cancer.

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