Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Kanako Wada -- See You

(excerpt only)

It's been almost a year since I actually put up a Kanako Wada(和田加奈子)entry, believe it or not, so time to rectify that slight.

I have already put up an article on Wada's fine and mellow album, "dear" (1989), but allow me to include the final track, "See You". No, it was never an official single but for the AOR guy like me, it is a nice way (and appropriately titled, too) to end the disc. With lyrics by Wada herself and music by Tsukasa, the arrangement sounds like it should have been produced around a decade earlier with those keyboards and the synth-flugelhorn. It just comes off sounding like something to listen to at the end of the day.

Kanako Wada -- dear

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