Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Yumi Matsutoya -- A Happy New Year

As I write this, people over in Japan are already amassing at the temples and shrines for hatsumode or are gobbling down their ozouni and o-sechi at home. Meanwhile over here in Toronto, my family is spending a pretty quiet time at home as we usually do, while younger and/or more energetic types are hitting the New Year's Eve party circuit.

Yumi Matsutoya's(松任谷由実) "A Happy New Year" is more along the lines of my family's more laid-back attitude towards the end of another annum. However, the lyrics have it a bit more intimate as Yuming sings about spending a romantic December 31st with that significant other, and the music certainly is far away from party mode. In fact, the piano there reminds me of her days as Yumi Arai(荒井由実).

"A Happy New Year" is the final track on her 1981 album, "Sakuban O-Aishimashou"(昨晩お会しましょう).


Well, wherever you are on the planet, I hope all of you and my contributors have a Happy New Year and wish you all the best for a prosperous 2014!

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