Tuesday, January 7, 2014

bird -- Oasis (オアシス)

I gather with all of the sturm und drang of this winter so far in Toronto and all of the excitement over the Holidays, it was just time for a bit of cool-down in terms of music. So I've picked bird's "Oasis"....a pretty appropriate title for those who need to get out of the bitterly frigid winds currently plaguing my metropolis.

Shinichi Osawa (aka Mondo Grosso) and bird herself were behind the singer's 8th single which came out in September 2000. The two of them were able to weave some fine soulful music, and "Oasis" is no exception. It's a nice mix of Latin and soul and club with bird's vocals calmly but confidently steering the song through some of that leafy green of that titular oasis. It peaked at No. 24 and is also a track on her 2nd album, "Mind Travel" which came out in November of the same year. It managed to go as high as No. 5 on the album charts.


  1. Hi, J-Canuck.

    I was very sparse when the song started but, at the time the strings were introduced, I stopped doing the unimportant things that were taking my attention and just listened to the song. Then it became this really groovy song that I liked very much. Also, lovely vocals by this girl. I need to check more about her.

    1. Thanks, Marcos. It seems like the two of us are big fans of disco strings. bird and Mondo Grosso seemed to enjoy blending that genre with a bit of club and Latin for basically every song I've heard by her.


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