Monday, February 10, 2014

Sing Like Talking -- Friend

(karaoke version)

Always love a fine Sing Like Talking ballad, and this is one of my favourites. "Friend" by SLT members Chiaki Fujita and Chikuzen Sato(藤田千章・佐藤竹善) is one of those bittersweet love songs that would kinda fit Valentine's Day. It's another one of those songs about one person wanting to take things beyond the "good friend" stage with a buddy but, gosh darn it, not having quite the gumption to make the confession. I think we've all been there at some time or another.

I first heard "Friend" on Sing Like Talking's BEST album of ballads, "Round About" which was released in June 2001 (it reached No. 9 on Oricon), but it originally came out as a track on the band's 2nd album, "City on My Mind" from July 1989. I love the harmonica intro and just the overall mellow arrangement involved here. And there is that lyrical echo acting as internal discourager and fine finishing touch, "Who's foolin' who?" by the background vocals while Sato sings about the love he has for that special someone but could never say to her.

It wasn't until Sing Like Talking's 5th album, "Humanity", that the band finally got widespread notice in the early 90s so I think there are some hidden gems in their earlier albums. I'm glad that "Friend" got its due through "Round About".

(brief excerpt)

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