Thursday, February 13, 2014

Toshinobu Kubota -- Time Shower ni Utarete (TIMEシャワーに射たれて)

This article can be considered to be a sequel to one I wrote all the way back in May 2012 for Toshinobu Kubota's(久保田利伸) "Ryuusei no Saddle"流星のサドル). Coming across that song via a class dance performance at a school Culture Festival got me to buy Kubota's first BEST album, "The Baddest".

And then when I first put the CD into my portable stereo, I was draped by the slow gospel opening for the first track, "Time Shower ni Utarete" (Hit by a Time Shower) as Kubota crooned about hitting the hay before being body-slammed by the grand funk railroad; the singer then launched into his own dreamland at warp speed. It was the first time I ever heard a Japanese singer do a rap (well, there was Haruomi Hosono's "Rap Phenomena" for YMO, but I don't think Kubota need worry here), and he uses it as the lyrical dilithium crystals to blast us through the vortex of time and space. Try playing this while you're preparing breakfast and NOT start strutting all over the kitchen.

"Time Shower" was Kubota's 2nd single released in December 1986, and along with him coming up with the ion-bopping music, Masumi Kawamura(川村真澄) provided the lyrics. Kawamura was also the lyricist behind Misato Watanabe's(渡辺美里) breakthrough hit, "My Revolution", and where that song was all about triumph and not giving up, "Time Shower" is all about partying and getting down. Kubota doesn't want a sweet romance....he wants some hard lovin' NOW! There are a lot of fine tracks on "The Baddest", including "Ryuusei no Saddle" but for me, "Time Shower" is the one that I really enjoy from that album.

As a PS, I have to say that anyone who can get through the rap of this song at karaoke has my utter respect!

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