Saturday, April 5, 2014

Kome Kome Club -- Easter Bell North

"This Kome Kome Club article brought to you by Arm & Hammer Baking Soda...for the sweet smell of success in your fridge, buy Arm & Hammer!!"

Yup, that's the image I get whenever I hear "Easter Bell North" by Kome Kome Club(米米クラブ). This was not a single and I don't think it was ever meant to be one, but it was a track on the band's 13th album, "H2O -- HUMANITY HEARTY ODYSSEY" which came out in March 1996. It's just one of those little but catchy tunes that would have sounded perfect on one of those old radio shows or a variety program on American TV in the 50s. Written and composed by K2C, I don't know where or how Carl Smokey Ishii got the title, but it has that mix of jazz and doo-wop and even a bit of that adorkable corn. Perhaps if Bobby Darin had been born Japanese, he could have tackled this one.

"Easter Bell North" is one of the reasons for me to not just be satisfied with a BEST compilation of a certain singer or band. Jewels can be found deep in the original albums as well.

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