Monday, August 4, 2014

TEMPURA KIDZ vs -- Mummy Killer (ミイラキラー)

J-Pop is full of nice surprises this year, and retro is probably a little bigger than must people thought it woud be. Right now, the new “old” song is called “Mummy Killer”, which is a collaboration between electro-rap duo and TEMPURA KIDZ, best known internationally as Kyary Pamyu Pamyu’s (きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ) cute/energetic dancers.

Although I’m not a big fan of rap/hip-hop music, “Mirror Killer” just caught me off guard with the 80s electro beat and a truly infectious chorus. Also, besides being a great song, the video is an incredible treat to every "bubble era" fan, with the “The Best Ten” (ザ・ベストテン) references and the low quality stylisation that was one of the charms of the time. Other than that, I can easily situate this video in the late 80s, thanks to the TV host’s fashion style. I just love that hairstyle and make-up. I wish I knew the name of this girl. She’s very pretty.

“Mummy Killer” was released in August 2014.


  1. I think whoever directed the video should be given an award for hitting the marks on the typical 80s music show and all of the typical segments that are contained in it. Plus, it was humourous to see the hostess hitting the bottle, supposedly off-camera...I wonder how many of those supposedly squeaky-clean announcers were hitting the bottle or cigarettes during commercial. :)

    Kinda wonder whether J-Pop history might repeat itself like it did when the Super Monkeys separated from Namie Amuro to become MAX, so that TEMPURA KIDZ could branch out from Kyary.

    1. Hi, J-Canuck.

      It impressed me to see P-chan, the little boy of TEMPURA KIDZ showing off some talent, or even when the group started eating something in the studio. It wasn't rare to see those kind of things in 80s music shows. Well, even nowadays we can find something similar (Some Morning Musume.'s Utaban episodes really came up to my mind, even if the show isn't aired anymore)

      As for the hostess, she is a very nice actress. She really nailed the typical expressions made by hostesses during that time. And I also found the bottle scene rather funny. Well, I'm still in love with that girl, whoever she is.

      In fact, TEMPURA KIDZ is already an individal act, although they stiill dance with Kyary. They have released some hyper techno numbers, such as "Happy Natsu Matsuri". If you want to take a look, here's the link:

    2. Yeah, some of those Utaban episodes with MM were classic since Takaaki LOVED to tease the girls....especially Kaori Iida.

      Going back to the topic at hand, yup, these two groups together are really interesting. At the very least, I think probably has or will be getting attention overseas.

      Will definitely take a look at "Happy Natsu Matsuri". Thanks, Marcos.

  2. For some reason the announcer gave me a Shizuka Kudo vibe (probably the eyebrows).

    1. Hi, Matthew. I think the hair also helped as well. :)

    2. Yeah, Shizuka came to my mind as well. Like J-Canuck said, the hair really helped in this department. As for Shizuka's eyebrowns, they always looked like sad eyebrowns to me. When I started listening to her, I'd "feel sorry" for her every time she was performing. I can't explain why, but I find her sexy.

    3. I always considered her eyebrows more worried than sad, like she was afraid of doing something wrong (which makes those collection of bloopers or performances where she flubbed lines even more hilarious).

    4. Since we're on the topic of Shizuka's face...I always thought that she had one of the more intriguing face among the many singers I've come across. Not classically beautiful, but still quite striking. I'm not sure if I was seeing things but some years back, YouTube had a video in which she was able to show that she could stretch her cheeks outward with her hands to an alarming degree!


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