Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Shibayan -- AURORA

As my first post of 2015 (yeah, I’m kind of late to the party), I wanted to talk about one of the few new songs that were released between Christmas and mid-January. Based on that, it was fair to talk about one album I’ve been listening to non-stop since the start of this new year. The album I’m talking about is ShibayanRecords’ “Adrastea”, which was released in late December 2014 at the Comiket 87 event.

Apparently, ShibayanRecords releases versions of songs from the Touhou Project (東方Project), which is a famous fan-made (doujin / 同人) video game series. I’m not the greatest person to explain this kind of thing, but, apparently, it’s similar to what I wrote in the article for Rie Sugimoto’s (杉本理恵“Beyond The Maze” in the past. Also, like I said back then, I’m here for the music, so I will not go deep in this kind of thing, even though it’s noticeable that the Japanese underground, in which this anime/video-game niche is included, can offer very interesting things.

“Adrastea”, as an album, offers a nice mixture of instrumental and vocal songs. Both types are great, but today I decided to introduce my favourite song of the album, “AURORA”, which happens to be an instrumental one.

“AURORA” is an amazing Synthpop song that takes me back to the late 80s/early 90s video game era, and this feeling is totally amazing for a nostalgic guy who grew up playing 16-bit era video games like me. Also, it’s a very exciting song that showcases really well what constitutes a talented and happy synth player (well, besides the somewhat mysterious vibe at the beginning, this song is pure happiness to me).

One thing that called my attention, and also of one of the commenter’s on YouTube, is that “AURORA” sounds like Yellow Magic Orchestra at some parts. The 80s homage was really well done here.



  1. Hi, Marcos. Glad to see you back here. As for "Aurora", yep, it's so 80s. Memories of movies like "Flashdance" and "Staying Alive" came to mind as I was listening to it. And of course, there is that early YMO connection.

    As for the "dojinshi" thing, my anime buddy has given me some insights into it. There is some part of it which is indeed in the "cough, cough" area.

    1. I'm not very intimate to "dojinshi" and similar things, even though I have my share of (one of the members recorded a lot of songs related to "dojinshi" when the group was not famous), but I'm aware of what you called the "cough, cough" area. I have a friend that really likes this kind of stuff, and he talks to me as if I knew of what he's talking about, which I rarely do.

      I liked "Aurora" a lot, though. The synths are really amazing.

    2. Yeah, my anime friend sometimes talks to me in the same way as well. I sometimes have to nod and smile a lot. :)


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