Sunday, February 8, 2015

Chisato Moritaka -- Snow Again

Yup...snow again. About another 20 cm fell onto the GTA over this past weekend. And I'm sure folks are ready to scream for SPRING to make its presence known, but knowing typical Toronto weather, it probably won't be until April before we see any green buds.

Yup..."Snow Again". In full honesty, my years with Chisato Moritaka(森高千里)had been in the late 80s and early 90s when she was the leggy techno aidoru although I did enjoy some of her early material when she started entering more conventional pop. By the late 1990s, I didn't pay all that much attention to her anymore, although I was somewhat aware of this song...her 34th single from November 1997, a decade after her debut. And it was through her chocolate commercial for Melty Kiss.

I decided to give it another shot...or perhaps more accurately, a full shot. And, y'know what? It's actually quite a nice little ballad about lost romantic opportunities around the Yuletide (sometimes, I think the Japanese can be quite masochistic about how much they sing about broken hearts during the Xmas season). The lyrics were written by Moritaka while the bluesy melody was by Yuichi Takahashi(高橋諭一)who also handled the acoustic guitar and keyboards while the former was on drums and chorus.

"Snow Again" managed to reach No. 9 on Oricon, the last song to hit the Top 10 for Moritaka up to this point. It was also included on her final original album, "Sava Sava" which came out in September 1998.

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