Saturday, July 18, 2015

Ikue Sakakibara -- Slow Memory(スロー・メモリー)

When I was figuring out what to include on the Creator article for Takao & Etsuko Kisugi(来生たかお・来生えつこ), I came across this Ikue Sakakibara(榊原郁恵)ballad that had been written and composed by them but never got around to including it.

"Slow Memory" was the title track from Sakakibara's 12th album released in April 1982. I've listened to the song a few times now and it definitely has grown on me over the past number of days, which illustrates the point that there are hidden gems (depending on the listener) within the original albums aside from the obvious hits on a singer's BEST compilations. In fact, the album, "Slow Memory" doesn't have any tracks which were released as official singles, and looking at some of the track titles and even the album cover itself, it seems as if Sakakibara were going for a more adult contemporary vibe.

"Slow Memory" the song certainly has that infusion of Kisugi nostalgia and mellowness, and perhaps a tip of the hat to Eiichi Ohtaki(大瀧詠一), although I don't think it's an absolute imitation of the late singer-songwriter. Still, knowing the ever-smiling Sakakibara mostly as the veteran tarento all these years and as a former aidoru whose discography I'm still chipping away at. it's always great when I discover something delightful that has been hidden away from me for over 30 years. The melody is admittedly not particularly original since I've heard variations on it by singers like Mariya Takeuchi(竹内まりや), but just taking it on its own merits, it's a pleasant and relaxing addition to that part of my brain which has been trained on the old kayo.

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