Thursday, July 9, 2015

Ippu-do -- Moonlight Magic (ムーンライト・マジック)

Well, I figure it was going to happen to me someday, but I got word from CD Japan that my order for a certain compilation on Techno Kayo would have to be cancelled since not only was the disc out of print but there wasn't enough demand to make it worthwhile for the originating producer. I'm a bit disappointed, of course, but knowing that I usually go for the older and rarer albums, I was due for some rejection.

So, in the meantime, I came across this catchy Techno Kayo number by New Wave-y Ippu-do(一風堂)titled "Moonlight Magic". Written and composed by the vocalist, Masami Tsuchiya(土屋昌巳), as the band's final single in April 1984, I'm not sure how it did on the charts but it was used for a Mitsubishi commercial. And for me, it has that really delectable poppy beat filtered through all those 80s electronics that had me getting all electro-nostalgic again.

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