Sunday, July 19, 2015

Ryukyudisko -- NICE DAY featuring Beat Crusaders

To be honest, I don't know very much of either party that is involved in the song. Beat Crusaders I knew as this rock band which had the gimmick of their members performing with their heads covered with dot-matrix printer illustrations of their faces. Also, I vaguely remember that they also had some form of collaboration with Kaela Kimura(木村カエラ).

As for Ryukyudisko, I got to know about them solely through this song, specifically the above video. The twin Hiroyama brothers from Okinawa were featured in some article I came across dressed up like some ancient Ryukyuan priests or nobility, and according to the above "NICE DAY", they incorporate some of that Okinawan sound into their music.

I actually saw the video one Sunday on one of the cable music channels and was tickled pink at the jittery but high-speed trips through the decades of the lives of families, especially when the video reached the apex of the earliest point when the wedding party of the grandparents got into high gear with the Hiroyamas helping out.

"NICE DAY" was Ryukyudisko's 2nd single from June 2007.

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