Saturday, August 22, 2015

Sakanaction -- Ame (B)

A little over a year and a half ago, I wrote an article about the eclectic band Sakanaction which had its debut at the 2013 Kohaku Utagassen. With its entry of "Music", it definitely stood out among the other acts...something that's not too easy to do anymore in my eyes. Although I listed the band members, I didn't bother to write about the derivation of the name although for those who know at least some Japanese, it shouldn't have been too difficult to figure out. According to the band's official website via the Wikpedia entry on the band, the " Sakanaction is a portmanteau of "sakana" (魚?, "fish") and "action". In the band's own words, their name reflects a wish to act quickly and lightly, like fish in the water, without fearing changes in the music scene."  Sounds like the musical equivalent of a rapid strike Special Forces team....pretty darn cool.

Tonight's Sakanaction entry was a song that I found out about from an interesting source. I've often gone to the website "TV Tropes" as a source for trivia on various old TV programs and anime. Last night, I decided to take a look at their trope "Mundane Made Awesome -- Music"; this particular section profiles various instances when amazing music was made around something that really wouldn't be all that exciting. 

I was surprised to find Sakanaction in there (close to the bottom) with a song from their 2009 album, "Shinshiro"(シンシロ), titled "Ame (B)". The lyrics were simply about some guy getting an umbrella from his girl but still getting his left shoulder drenched in the rain. In most cases, that would merely get a snarky comment from the boyfriend and an argument. However, the good folks of Sakanaction were able to weave a catchy melody around it with some good thumps and a guitar in there. Short and sweet and appropriately eclectic.

Ahh...Y's Mart. I did get some good bento there.
One of four supermarkets in my old neighbourhood.

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