Monday, November 2, 2015

Akina Nakamori -- unfixable

A commenter asked me about my feelings on Akina Nakamori's(中森明菜)50th single, "unfixable" which was just released in September this year. Honestly speaking, my favourite time for Akina's discography was the 80s and the early part of the 90s but I also have to admit that I was interested in the cover since it has a photo of the singer with a full smile. It's been such a long time since I've seen her beaming like that.

Over the 23 years of Akina's career, I've heard her as an aidoru singer, a pop superstar who started diverging into more esoteric fare in her albums while still providing ratings-friendly singles, and then as a husky-voiced chanteuse. "unfixable" seems to be another bend in the road with her trying out some R&B in English no less. The song was created by the trio of Hilde Wahl, Tommy Berre and Marietta Constantinou, and it's definitely more compelling in its sound than in her previous single back in January, "Rojo Tierra" which I can't remember anymore despite Akina getting that appearance in last year's Kohaku Utagassen. I'm not sure, though, whether this would be the sign for me to get fully back into the Akina fandom, but if she decides to release a full album in the near future, I would be interested in hearing about she handles this new direction. I would certainly be looking forward to some uptempo fare.

1 comment:

  1. Like me, I didn't like 'unfixable'. But the b-side '雨月' is a great ballad!


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